Use of the data | Purposes of the processing |
So that we can respond to your contact requests | We need to keep and use this data to be able to keep in touch with you. |
To send you useful messages relating to your order (for example: booking confirmation, technical details about a wine, access map) or to contact you by phone (for example: booking updates, cancellation terms). | We need to keep and use this data to be able to fulfil our part of the contract. |
Our exchanges with us
Data you shared with us by phone, email, social networks, etc.
Use of the data | Purposes of the processing |
To send you useful messages relating to your request | We need to keep and use this data to be able to fulfil our part of the contract. |
To provide you with assistance | We do this to fulfil our part of the contract with you: to interact with you and provide you with solutions. |
To use these exchanges as examples for training our staff | When you contact us, we make every effort to provide you with the best possible customer service. |
Information about your phone or your computer, and how you use our website.
The information you give us when you browse our website, including your IP address and the type of device used and, if you choose to share it with us, your location data, as well as how you use our website.
Use of the data | Purposes of the processing |
To improve our website, configure default options, to report bugs or anomalies. | We are constantly improving our site to offer you the best possible browsing experience. |
To protect our website | So we can detect fraud and comply with our legal obligations concerning the management of your data. |
Data retention period :
Your personal data will not be stored for longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes set out above, and in accordance with current laws and regulations. In this regard, the data may be retained for a maximum of 3 years from the last contact. Your personal data is deleted when the retention periods expire. However, your data may be archived beyond the scheduled periods for the purposes of investigating, recording and prosecuting criminal offences, with the sole purpose of making such data available to the judicial authority.
When archived, your data will be anonymized and can no longer be consulted online, but will be extracted and stored in a stand-alone, secure medium.
Providers who have access to your personal data :
Wine Tour In France does not share any personal data with third parties for commercial purposes.
To fulfil the purposes we have described to you above, the various Wine Tour In France entities must be allowed access to your personal data, as must the third parties we use to offer you certain services: