Wine Tour In France


Wine News in France

La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux !

It is a unique cultural facility where wine comes to life through an immersive, sensorial approach, all set within an evocative architectural design. La Cité du Vin gives a different view of wine, across the world, across the ages, across all cultures and all civilisations.

The final phase of journey will take you up to a hight of 35 metres, up to the Belvedere of La Cité du Vin where you can take in a 360° view of the city: Bordeaux, capital of the Gironde, its port de la Lune and, stretching out of sight, its vineyards and wine regions.

A unique panorama to enjoy while sipping a glass of wine from one of the great vineyards of the world.


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There's no such thing as gastronomic culture without wine.

Julia Child